Core Values


Servant First

Servant First

We strive to follow Jesus’ example to care for and serve others, regardless of whatever position one may hold.


Open Hearts

Open Hearts

We welcome everyone with love and tenderness -- regardless of your past or present circumstances, without requiring you to “shape up” or conform to any group standard to continue in our fellowship.


Unexpectedly Real

Unexpectedly Real

We openly acknowledge that we are broken people redeemed only by the grace of God. Therefore, we strive to create a culture of transparency and acceptance.


Deeply Rooted

Deeply Rooted

We’re wired for community, to do life face-to-face, hand-in-hand, and heart-to-heart.


Unfiltered Celebration

Unfiltered Celebration

We think church should be FUN! Jesus had parties and so do we!


Follow Courageously

Follow Courageously

We encourage bold faith moves and desire to lead change in decision-making by mitigating how fear can motivate our decisions.